This database of resources serves as a useful guide to victims’ services throughout Vermont. Resources wtih an asterisk (*) Provide 24 hr emergency shelter.
Services Provided:Available to offer wrap around services to victims of human trafficking or consultation. Supports victims of crime; coordinates victim advocacy; Victim Compensation Program provides limited financial assistance to victims of violent crime who have experienced financial loss as a direct result of the crime and have no other means of reimbursement, such as insurance; Victim Assistance Program provides assistance, advocacy and information to crime victims; Victim Advocates guide victims through all aspects of the criminal justice process and acts as liaison with the State’s Attorney and other criminal justice agencies; also provides community outreach to educate and increase awareness of crime victims. See State’s Attorney Victim Advocacy section for further services. Administers Victim Compensation Program, the statewide court-based Victim Assistance Program and coordinates training on victim issues.