Youth Services, Inc. | youthservicesinc.orgphone: 802-257-0361fax 2: 802-257-2171Email: [email protected]Locations:BrattleboroCaret DownPhysical Address: 32 Walnut Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301Mailing Address: 32 Walnut Street, PO Box 6008, Brattleboro, VT 05301Bellows FallsCaret DownPhysical Address: 19 Henry Street, Bellows Falls, VT 05101phone: 802-463-9927Contact:Mel Motel, Co-Director of Restorative Justice ProgramsEmail: [email protected]Contact:Sally Struble, Co-Director of Restorative Justice ProgramsEmail: [email protected]Service Types: Victim Assistance: Children & YouthCommunity ServicesCommunity Justice CentersTags: Community Restorative Justice CentersAgency/ProgramcountyWindham County
BrattleboroCaret DownPhysical Address: 32 Walnut Street, Brattleboro, VT 05301Mailing Address: 32 Walnut Street, PO Box 6008, Brattleboro, VT 05301