Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services - Victims Compensation Program


The Victims Compensation Program provides limited financial assistance to victims of crime who have experienced a financial loss as the direct result of the crime, as long as the loss is not reimbursable through other sources, such as insurance.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • The crime has been reported to a law enforcement officer, who must conclude that a crime was committed.

  • Thevictimhassufferedphysicalinjuryoremotionalharmasadirectresultofacrime.

  • The crime was committed in Vermont, or was committed against a Vermont resident in a state or country that does not have a Compensation Program.

  • The crime was committed after July 1, 1987.

  • The victim did not violate a criminal law of this state that caused or contributed to his or her injuries or death.

  • Family members of a homicide victim also are eligible.

    Where appropriate, money is available to pay for the following expenses, as long as they have not been paid already by other sources:

  • Medical and dental care.

  • Counseling for victims and family members.

  • Funeral expenses.

  • Lost wages due to time missed from work

  • Other expenses such as prescriptions, eyeglasses and limited transportation costs.

  • If death occurs as a result of the crime, legal dependents may receive temporary living expenses.

  • Limited relocation assistance.

  • Property losses generally not covered.

toll-free: 800-750-1213 (VT only)
phone 2: 802-241-1250
Service Types: